Xeon E3-1225 v6 is a 64-bit quad-core x86 workstation/entry server microprocessor introduced by Intel in early 2017. This chip which is based on the Kaby Lake microarchitecture is fabricated on Intels 14nm+ process. The E3-1225 v6 operates at 3.3 GHz with a TDP of 73 W supporting a Turbo Boost frequency of 3.7 GHz. The processor supports up to 64 GiB of dual-channel DDR4-2400 ECC memory and incorporates Intels HD Graphics P630 IGP operating at 350 MHz with a burst frequency of 1.15 GHz.
Xeon E3-1225 v6 is a 64-bit quad-core x86 workstation/entry server microprocessor introduced by Intel in early 2017. This chip which is based on the Kaby Lake microarchitecture is fabricated on Intels 14nm+ process. The E3-1225 v6 operates at 3.3 GHz with a TDP of 73 W supporting a Turbo Boost frequency of 3.7 GHz. The processor supports up to 64 GiB of dual-channel DDR4-2400 ECC memory and incorporates Intels HD Graphics P630 IGP operating at 350 MHz with a burst frequency of 1.15 GHz.
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